In most cases, the chronic form of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area is the result of an unprofessional therapeutic approach. This disease cannot be eliminated if the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women do not match. Medicines imposed by television advertising only bring temporary relief, and after a certain time the disease returns.
The only way to get rid of cystitis is to determine the cause of the disease and undergo full treatment under the supervision of a professional urologist.
Cystitis - causes in women
In medicine, the concept of "cystitis" combines several types of symptomatic urinary pathology, in which the bladder mucosa is damaged. Due to the anatomical features of the body, women experience cystitis several times more often than men.

The work of the bladder is linked to all physiological systems, therefore, functional deviations in internal organs, one way or another, affect the health of the urogenital sphere of a woman.
The development of the inflammatory process can be preceded by:
- viral or bacterial infections - influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis, staphylococcus aureus, trichomonas, E. coli, caries, furunculosis;
- hypothermia;
- allergic reactions;
- hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause;
- acquired diseases - diabetes mellitus, colitis, spinal injuries, nephrological and endocrine pathologies, tumor formation;
- taking medications;
- decreased immunity;
- anomalies in the development of organs of the genitourinary system;
- insufficient genital hygiene;
- acute form of cystitis most often occurs against the background of congestion in the urinary system.
The path of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder is also different. In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the infection spreads throughout the body through the blood. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, microbes enter the genitourinary organs from the anus. Due to nephrological pathology, infectious agents move from the kidneys along with urine.
Factors that contribute to the development of cystitis include wearing tight synthetic underwear, a tendency to constipation, frequent changes of sexual partners, subject to unprotected sex, as well as conditions that reduce the potential of the immune system - stress, lack of sleep, excessive exercise. irregular diet.
The main symptoms and signs of the disease
The development of cystitis can be acute or with increasing symptoms. Symptoms of cystitis in acute form are cramps and pain during urination.

But when the disease progresses, symptoms such as:
- discomfort in the pubic area and pubic area;
- itching and burning in the perineum - due to the irritating effect of toxic substances accumulated in the urine;
- frequent urge to urinate;
- pain in the lower abdomen and back, feeling full;
- Headache;
- increased fatigue;
- slight increase in body temperature;
- cloudy urine;
- unpleasant smell of urine;
- a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- The appearance of blood in the urine may indicate the development of complications.
Cystitis is allergic or infectious in 95% of cases accompanied by itching.
Complications of the disease
Due to its high prevalence (pathology is diagnosed in 40% of women in the world), the severity of cystitis is often underestimated.
With proper treatment, provided there are no reasons supporting the course of the pathology, symptoms of acute cystitis disappear, and women's well-being improves significantly. If the necessary therapeutic effect is not present, the disease acquires the form of a chronic course, which is fraught with serious health complications.

Chronic cystitis is characterized by damage to most of the bladder mucosa. At the same time, edema and thickening appear in the affected area, against the background of a decrease in the elasticity of the epithelium.
The progression of the pathological process leads to complications that threaten the health of important organs and systems:
- in 95% of cases, kidney disease occurs - pyelonephritis, kidney failure;
- organic changes in the tissue of the full bladder with rupture of its walls and the development of peritonitis;
- frequent inflammation is one of the main reasons for the formation of adhesions;
- decrease in reproductive function, the danger of completely losing the ability to bear children;
- urethritis;
- tumor process;
- formation of ulcers on the wall of the bladder, bleeding;
- urolithiasis disease;
- muscle damage and loss of bladder tissue tone, leading to urinary dysfunction and incontinence.
In a woman's body during her life, there is a period when the tendency to the development of cystitis is associated with natural physiological changes.
Period exposed to cystitis in a woman's life
The first critical period occurs before the age of three. At this age, children with congenital pathology of the urinary tract may experience vesicoureteral reflux, where urine returns from the bladder to the kidneys. The consequences of the pathology are vulvovaginitis and ascending infection of the bladder.

Puberty is the second period in a woman's life, which is important in terms of the degree of susceptibility to cystitis. In addition to the hormonal changes that occur during puberty, the risk of infection during unprotected sex is increased.
Menopause is manifested not only in a decrease in hormone levels in the female body, but also in a decrease in the protective properties of the bladder mucosa, as well as in changes in its anatomical position. All these changes contribute to the development of inflammation of the urinary tract and other pathologies inherent in cystitis.
Diagnostic steps
Medical examination of patients with suspected cystitis involves not only confirming the diagnosis, but also determining the underlying disease that causes inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

Along with the study of anamnesis data and disease symptoms, urologists use the following diagnostic measures:
- general urine analysis;
- general blood analysis;
- cystoscopy - examination of the bladder through endoscopy;
- analysis of vaginal microflora composition;
- Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
- PCR - molecular research method;
- urine bacterial culture.
In some cases, doctors use information obtained through a biopsy, a microscopic examination of a sample of affected tissue, to make a diagnosis.
Medicines for the full treatment of diseases
The treatment of cystitis is to eliminate not only the inflammation of the bladder mucosa, but also the disease that supports it. The choice of therapeutic methods and means depends on the form of the disease and the associated pathological process.

To stop the symptoms of the acute form of cystitis, the patient is prescribed bed rest, a special diet, a heating pad, as well as antispasmodic, antibacterial and diuretic drugs.
The minimum course of treatment for acute cystitis is 7 days. An interrupted course of treatment is one of the main reasons for the development of chronic forms of cystitis.
Antibacterial drugs
The appointment of antibacterial drugs is appropriate for cystitis, the causative agent is bacteria.
Among the most effective antibacterial agents:
- Phosphonic antibiotics. Produced in granular form. It is taken once in the form of acute cystitis;
- Tablets for cystitis and other, acute or chronic infections of the urinary system. Belongs to the quinolone group. The active ingredient is pipemidic acid;
- A popular antibiotic based on nitrofuran. Relevant when exposed to bacteria, its sensitivity to drugs is proven by sowing;
- Keep antibiotics. It is prescribed if the use of other drugs does not provide a therapeutic effect. The active ingredient is from the group of fluoroquinolones;
- Medicines from the oxyquinoline group. It is active against most Candida bacteria and fungi;
- Antimicrobial agents from the nitrofuran group that block the activity of bacterial infections. The use of tablets is also suitable as a prophylaxis for urinary tract diseases.
Taking any antibacterial drug is possible only as directed by the doctor. Despite the high therapeutic effectiveness, modern drugs have many contraindications and can cause unwanted side reactions.
Means with antispasmodic properties is an indispensable component in the rehabilitation and maintenance therapy for cystitis.
The action of antispasmodic drugs is expressed in the elimination of bladder smooth muscle spasms and a relaxing effect, relieving pain.
Antispasmodic intake is suitable for both acute forms of cystitis and for recurrent chronic infections.
Anti-inflammatory pills
To relieve inflammation of the bladder mucosa with cystitis, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Together with the elimination of the inflammatory process, the drugs of this group provide an analgesic effect, relieving the pain and discomfort inherent in the pathology.
The use of phytopreparation is an effective way to increase the effect of drug therapy. Herbal medicine is based on natural plant components with biological activity.
- A product containing herbal extracts of oregano, carrot seeds, hop seedlings, as well as mint and Siberian fir leaf oil. Provides antiseptic, antispasmodic and diuretic action. Available in the form of capsules, syrup or drops.
- Tablets based on plant extracts with nephrolytic and antimicrobial properties.
- Paste based on orange and fir oil. It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Prevents the development of urolithiasis.
The reception of phytopreparations is most effective in the early stages of the development of cystitis.
As a result of exposure to infectious microorganisms, and after taking antibiotics, there may be a decrease in the activity of beneficial microflora.
To maintain the natural physiological level of the microflora of the mucous membrane of the intestines and genital organs, it is necessary to use probiotics - food supplements containing live cultures of microorganisms.
Treatment of the chronic form of the disease
To eliminate the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose all potential infections and provide complex therapy that suppresses the vital activity of the pathogen and its consequences.

The main methods of treatment of chronic cystitis:
- etiological therapy aims to eliminate the causative agent of infection and consists of taking antibacterial drugs;
- pathogenetic therapy allows you to restore the function of the immune system, normalize the hormonal background and eliminate the pathology of the structure of internal organs. The main objective of therapy is the restoration of the natural outflow of urine and the elimination of all possible foci of infection. Treatment involves taking immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgical correction;
- disease prevention - a set of measures that prevent the possibility of repeated infections.
As an additional therapeutic measure, physiotherapy is prescribed - electrophoresis, electrical stimulation of tissues, laser exposure, as well as special exercises that normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
Folk remedies for cystitis in women
The list of folk remedies recommended for the treatment of cystitis includes well-known and affordable herbal remedies: decoction of dill seeds, millet infusion, tea, infusion and bath from pharmaceutical chamomile, parsley seed infusion, and St. wort tea.

In addition, lingonberry and cranberry leaves are considered an invariable component in the treatment of cystitis at home.
Due to its unique composition, lingonberry leaves have a complex therapeutic effect on the organs of the genitourinary sphere - antimicrobial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Cowberry leaf tea is prepared according to the recipe for making ordinary tea leaves. Take this tea three times a day for half a glass.
The use of cranberry-based drinks provides a strong healing effect.

Thanks to cranberry proanthocyanidins, berry tea:
- blocking the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
- prevents the deposition of pathogens on the walls of the organs of the urinary system;
- relieves inflammation;
- protect the body from fungi and microbes;
- increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
- has an immunomodulatory effect.
For the preparation of a healing drink, fresh or frozen cranberries are used. Berries are crushed, poured with boiled water and kept in a steam bath for 10 minutes. Two cups of the drink a day with the addition of honey will improve well-being and health in a short time.
Nutrition and microflora
Proper nutrition during the treatment of cystitis is very important. It depends on the type of products that will be present in the diet, how quickly it is possible to remove inflammation and start the recovery of damaged bladder tissue.
In addition, a properly organized diet maintains the functioning of the microflora that lives on the mucous membranes of the internal organs. This ensures the elimination and withdrawal of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as the normalization of the recovery process.
Therapeutic diet is based on selected products and drinking regimen.

It is very important that the diet is in accordance with the following principles:
- all products used must have diuretic properties;
- the amount of salt used should be reduced to a minimum;
- excluding spicy, fatty, fried, smoked, sweet and dairy dishes from the menu, as well as preservation;
- limit intake of protein-containing foods;
- when cooking, you should limit yourself to minimal heat treatment;
- liquor and alcohol are completely excluded;
- the total amount of fluid drunk every day is at least two liters.
During the entire treatment, cereals, light vegetable soup, boiled meat and low-fat fish, yogurt, low-fat salty cheese, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, parsley, pomegranate, watermelon and pear are recommended for use.
From drinks, preference should be given to herbal teas and fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries.
Prevention of cystitis
The tendency to this disease remains throughout the life of a woman who has cystitis at least once.
Preventive measures will help prevent recurrence:
- timely treatment for any disease;
- minimize stress;
- compliance with personal hygiene rules;
- a bath is better than a shower;
- regular visits to gynecologists and urologists, tests;
- compliance with the drinking regime.
In summer, it is important not to miss the opportunity to flush the kidneys and bladder by eating more watermelon.
And most importantly, you should not sacrifice health for beauty and always dress according to the weather, especially in spring and autumn - their warmth is deceiving, and the risk of getting sick is too high.